​​Jessica Grambau

Hair & makeup salon

Do you ever wake up wondering what you are going to eat before you have to rush and get to work? These oats are super easy and are straight out of the fridge on the go! Overnight oats are not only healthy and nutritious but give you energy for those long mornings you need to power through! With overnight oats the options are endless which is great considering the same breakfast over and over again can get a little boring from time to time! You can add yogurt, nut butter, chia seeds, pumpkin, fruits, or granola. Overnight oats give you the option to be creative! I usually make my oats vegan in which I use almond milk or coconut milk for them to soak overnight in but whatever you prefer is just fine! I like to use mason jars or empty peanut butter jars so the top is sealed to sit overnight! I also like to prep a few jars at one time so your have breakfast for a couple days!

Jars I was filling for the week so breakfast is ready for my busy work week!

​​Oats have lots of incredible nutrients in them, they contain a lot of fiber, one cup of oats contains 16.5 grams of fiber, which is roughly half of a person's recommended daily intake of fiber! Which is great if you aren't getting your full fiber from other foods! A daily serving of whole oats rich in soluble fibre can reduce hypertension, or high blood pressure, and so reduce the need for anti-hypertensive medication! Oats are also a diabetes friendly food, for the same reason that the fibre in oats helps to stave off hunger, it also helps to steady the levels of glucose in the bloodstream, so people with diabetes especially benefit from this awesome oat trait. Oats are yummy and do great things for our health!

Overnight oats can consist of many different flavors from banana to blueberry to pumpkin to cookie butter oats! Vegan or not, gluten-free or not, the options are endless! A few of my favorite recipes are:

Strawberry Cookie Butter Oats

1/3 cup oats (gluten-free or original rolled oats)

1/3 cup of yogurt or non-dairy yogurt

1/3-1/2 cup almond milk or coconut milk

Cut up strawberries

Cut up 1/2 bananas

1/2 tbsp of chia seeds

Sprinkle of cinnamon

Add ingredients together in a jar or bowl, mix together let sit overnight or for at least 4 hours. Take out of fridge eat cold or warm for 20 seconds in microwave add cookie butter, more fresh fruit or whatever your desire!!

My Mango Coconut Yogurt Oats

1/3 cup oats

1/3-1/2 cup coconut milk

1/3 cup noosa coconut yogurt (found at Whole Foods)

1/2 tbsp chia seeds

Frozen or fresh mango chunks

1/2 banana

Sprinkle of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl let sit overnight or for at least 4 hours, eat straight out of fridge and add favorite toppings!

​Some extra toppings I added to mine, mango, strawberries, hemp seeds, cashews, nut butter

Pumpkin Oats

​1/3 cup rolled oats
1/3 cup almond or coconut milk
1/3 cup pumpkin purée
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 banana (optional)
Pinch or cinnamon
Pinch of pumpkin spice
​Mix all ingredients together and let sit overnight or at least 4 hours. Eat cold or warm in microwave 20 secs and top with pumpkin seeds or nuts and granola or fruit!

More overnight oats with frozen raspberries and fruit, yum!!!

Great for summer or winter mornings, even a little snack during the day! Overnight oats will leave you full, fueled and satisfied!!!

Scrumptious ideas for overnight oats