​​Jessica Grambau

Hair & makeup salon

It's that time of year to prepare for turkey, stuffing, cheesy corn, buttery rolls and so much more. I can't wait for thanksgiving because it's my favorite and it's my best excuse to have a day filled with foods I don't normally eat. It's all about balance people! In preparation for holidays coming, I need to eat light and clean for the sake of my digestive system. Such perfect timing to be flipping through a cook book and find a cleansing broth/soup! I love love easy, simple, affordable food ideas. Not to mention soup is popular at my house right now, I don't know about you but these 40 degree mornings are really a drag! 

This cleansing soup is loaded with veggies and greens! You can eat it hot, room temperature or chilled which is great if you need bring something on the go! Eating healthy and light is essential before we embark on these heavy eating holidays to come!! Plus it's a simple way to avoid any weight gain during the holiday season! 

The ingredient list is rather short...one more reason to try this recipe! Most of the vegetables in this broth are in season right now, which I believe us important for our diets! 

Changes in growing conditions from spring to summer or fall to winter are considered essential for balancing the earth's resources and its life forms. Today it's easy for us to forget about seasons when we eat! Modern food processing and worldwide distribution of food make foods available year-round, and grocery stores shelves look much the same in December as they do in July. Studies have shown that some crops can have up to three times more nutrients when grown in season. Seasonal fruits and vegetables don't have to endure as much travel, so they don't lose those vital nutrients.

​Cleansing Soup


1 large sweet potato 

1 qt. Filtered water

3-4 stalks of celery chopped

1-2 yellow squash chopped 

1/2 cup cabbage chopped

1/2 cup spinach

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp tamari soy sauce

1 cup almond or coconut milk


Peel and quarter sweet potato. Boil or steam for 10 minutes. In a quart pan add water, squash, cabbage, spinach and celery and cook for 8 minutes. Add sweet potato into quart pan. Purée in a blender or food processor adding the oil, tamari, and milk. Add a touch or salt or pepper to taste. Serve hot.

Note: may be refrigerated and re heated or enjoyed at room temp or chilled. 


Eat clean before the holidays, cleansing soup recipe.